Command Line Interface

Run the workflow

usage: morphology_workflows [-h] [-c CONFIG_PATH] [-m]
                            [-ll {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                            [-lf LOG_FILE] [-w WORKERS]
                            [-dg CREATE_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH]
                            {Fetch,Placeholders,Curate,Annotate,Repair} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: Fetch, Placeholders, Curate, Annotate, Repair

Possible workflows

Named Arguments

-c, --config-path

Path to the Luigi config file

-m, --master-scheduler

Use Luigi’s master scheduler instead of local scheduler.

Default: False

-ll, --log-level


Logger level.

Default: “INFO”

-lf, --log-file

Logger file.

-w, --workers

Number of workers that luigi can summon.

Default: 1

-dg, --create-dependency-graph

Create the dependency graph of a workflow instead of running it. Pass a path to render it as an image (depending on the extension of the given path).



Fetch morphologies from the given source.

The JSON configuration file should contain a list of objects where each object is a config set:

        "brain_region": "AHN",
        "nb_morphologies": 2,
        "seed": 0
        "brain_region": "VISp",
        "nb_morphologies": 2,
        "seed": 0
morphology_workflows Fetch [-h] [--rerun] [--tag-output]
                           [--source FETCH_SOURCE]
                           [--config-file FETCH_CONFIG_FILE]
                           [--result-path FETCH_RESULT_PATH]

Named Arguments


Trigger to force the task to rerun. Default value: False.

Default: False


(bool) Add a tag suffix to the output directory. Default value: False.

Default: False


(str) The source used to download the morphologies Choices: {NeuroMorpho, MouseLight, Allen, BBP-Nexus}.


(str) Path to the JSON config file


(str) Path to the output directory. Default value: morphologies.


Compute the place holders for a given region and mtype set.

morphology_workflows Placeholders [-h] [--rerun] [--tag-output]
                                  [--region PLACEHOLDERS_REGION]
                                  [--mtype PLACEHOLDERS_MTYPE]
                                  [--config PLACEHOLDERS_CONFIG]
                                  [--input-dir PLACEHOLDERS_INPUT_DIR]
                                  [--result-path PLACEHOLDERS_RESULT_PATH]

Named Arguments


Trigger to force the task to rerun. Default value: False.

Default: False


(bool) Add a tag suffix to the output directory. Default value: False.

Default: False


(str) The region to consider.


(str) The mtype to consider.


(str) (optional) {doc}The path to the JSON config file.


(str) (optional) {doc}The directory containing the morphologies and their metadata file.


(str) Path to the output file. Default value: placeholders.csv.


Run Curation phase.

morphology_workflows Curate [-h] [--rerun] [--tag-output]
                            [--result-path CURATE_RESULT_PATH]
                            [--dataset-df CURATE_DATASET_DF]
                            [--data-dir CURATE_DATA_DIR]
                            [--custom-task-name CURATE_CUSTOM_TASK_NAME]
                            [--nb-processes CURATE_NB_PROCESSES]
                            [--redirect-stdout [CURATE_REDIRECT_STDOUT]]
                            [--report-path CURATE_REPORT_PATH]
                            [--generate-report [CURATE_GENERATE_REPORT]]
                            [--report-type CURATE_REPORT_TYPE]
                            [--report-config CURATE_REPORT_CONFIG]

Named Arguments


Trigger to force the task to rerun. Default value: False.

Default: False


(bool) Add a tag suffix to the output directory. Default value: False.

Default: False


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the global output directory.


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the input dataset.


(str) name of folder to store addittional files created by a task (the provided validation function must take this as argument). Default value: data.


(str) An optional custom name given to the task (the class name is used if not provided).


(int) The number of parallel processes to use.


(bool) Capture stdout from the validation function to make it work with progress bar. Disable it if you want to use PDB inside the validation function.


(str) Path to the workflow report.


(bool) Trigger the report generation. Default value: True.


(str) Type of report (‘pdf’: basic, ‘latexpdf’: beautiful). Choices: {latexpdf, pdf}. Default value: pdf.


(dict) The configuration used by Sphinx to build the report.


(bool) Only outputs the dataset specification document. Default value: False.

Default: False


Run Annotation phase.

morphology_workflows Annotate [-h] [--rerun] [--tag-output]
                              [--result-path ANNOTATE_RESULT_PATH]
                              [--dataset-df ANNOTATE_DATASET_DF]
                              [--data-dir ANNOTATE_DATA_DIR]
                              [--custom-task-name ANNOTATE_CUSTOM_TASK_NAME]
                              [--nb-processes ANNOTATE_NB_PROCESSES]
                              [--redirect-stdout [ANNOTATE_REDIRECT_STDOUT]]
                              [--report-path ANNOTATE_REPORT_PATH]
                              [--generate-report [ANNOTATE_GENERATE_REPORT]]
                              [--report-type ANNOTATE_REPORT_TYPE]
                              [--report-config ANNOTATE_REPORT_CONFIG]

Named Arguments


Trigger to force the task to rerun. Default value: False.

Default: False


(bool) Add a tag suffix to the output directory. Default value: False.

Default: False


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the global output directory.


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the input dataset.


(str) name of folder to store addittional files created by a task (the provided validation function must take this as argument). Default value: data.


(str) An optional custom name given to the task (the class name is used if not provided).


(int) The number of parallel processes to use.


(bool) Capture stdout from the validation function to make it work with progress bar. Disable it if you want to use PDB inside the validation function.


(str) Path to the workflow report.


(bool) Trigger the report generation. Default value: True.


(str) Type of report (‘pdf’: basic, ‘latexpdf’: beautiful). Choices: {latexpdf, pdf}. Default value: pdf.


(dict) The configuration used by Sphinx to build the report.


(bool) Only outputs the dataset specification document. Default value: False.

Default: False


Run Repair phase.

morphology_workflows Repair [-h] [--rerun] [--tag-output]
                            [--result-path REPAIR_RESULT_PATH]
                            [--dataset-df REPAIR_DATASET_DF]
                            [--data-dir REPAIR_DATA_DIR]
                            [--custom-task-name REPAIR_CUSTOM_TASK_NAME]
                            [--nb-processes REPAIR_NB_PROCESSES]
                            [--redirect-stdout [REPAIR_REDIRECT_STDOUT]]
                            [--report-path REPAIR_REPORT_PATH]
                            [--generate-report [REPAIR_GENERATE_REPORT]]
                            [--report-type REPAIR_REPORT_TYPE]

Named Arguments


Trigger to force the task to rerun. Default value: False.

Default: False


(bool) Add a tag suffix to the output directory. Default value: False.

Default: False


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the global output directory.


(str) (optional) {doc}Path to the input dataset.


(str) name of folder to store addittional files created by a task (the provided validation function must take this as argument). Default value: data.


(str) An optional custom name given to the task (the class name is used if not provided).


(int) The number of parallel processes to use.


(bool) Capture stdout from the validation function to make it work with progress bar. Disable it if you want to use PDB inside the validation function.


(str) Path to the workflow report.


(bool) Trigger the report generation. Default value: True.


(str) Type of report (‘pdf’: basic, ‘latexpdf’: beautiful). Choices: {latexpdf, pdf}. Default value: pdf.


(bool) Only outputs the dataset specification document. Default value: False.

Default: False